Injection Therapy
in Timperley, Altrincham

Injection Therapy

Corticosteroid Injection Service

Our Clinical lead runs injection service who has extensive experience in assessment and treatment of Orthopaedic and MSK related problems including injection therapy. He is currently working in NHS as Orthopaedic Physiotherapy Practitioner in Clinical Assessment and Treatment Service. He is also Independent Prescriber and prescribes medications in NHS. He can write to your GP requesting prescription for your condition.

What are steroids?

Some steroids are normally produced in our body by Adrenal gland. These act to reduce inflammation and pain. The steroid injections act like natural steroids to reduce inflammation. These steroids are not the same as the steroids used by body builders to increase muscle size and strength.

Steroids are injected to target a precise area of pain and inflammation. These are often used in musculoskeletal and degenerative conditions such as Osteoarthritis and other soft tissue conditions. Commonly used steroids are Triamcinolone and hydrocortisone with brand names such as Kenalog and Depo-Medrone. In addition, a local anaesthetic known as Lidocaine is used.

Common Conditions & Symptoms

  • Frozen shoulder
  • Rotator cuff tear
  • Tennis Elbow
  • Golfer’s Elbow
  • Elbow, wrist and hand injuries
  • Hip and knee joint pain
  • Ankle and foot injuries
  • Plantar Fasciitis
  • Shoulder Joint OA
  • Subacromial Bursitis and Impingement
  • Elbow Joint Injury
  • Wrist, Thumb and Finger OA
  • Trigger Finger
  • Dequervain’s Tenosynovitis
  • Bursitis Conditions (Upper and Lower Limb)
  • Great Toe Joints

Ready to start your road to recovery?

Book a consultation to find out how we can help

Contra Indications and Precautions

Please consider the information below prior to injection


Patients with hypersensitivity to drugs especially LA (only steroid is injected in such cases), history of anaphylaxis, infection, osteomyelitis, fracture, recent trauma and patients on anti coagulants (INR needed)


Patients on antiviral, antibiotic and recent vaccination (within 4 weeks), poorly controlled diabetes (HbA1c testing needed), immunosuppressed, recent history of malignancy and or on active treatment, pregnancy and breast feeding patients would need assessment of their medical history before injection.

We accept all major insurances

Frequently Asked Questions

How is the injection performed?

The Corticosteroid injection aims to relieve pain and reduce inflammation and enable to improve function. These injections often used in conjunction with local anaesthetic called Lidocaine.

After thorough assessment, the skin over the area to be injected is cleaned with antiseptic wipes. A specific needle is gently inserted to the joint or soft tissue and solution is injected. This is performed by qualified healthcare professional.

What should I do if I get a pain after Corticosteroid injection?

You may notice increase in your pain immediately following injection, but this should resolve in 24-48 hours. This pain can be controlled easily pain medication such as Paracetamol.

What are the side effects?

The clinician will discuss side effects with you before the injection. Although they are rare but some side effects include,

Facial flushing for few hours

Small area of skin discolouration or fat loss

Flare up of symptoms initially for couple of hours

Changes in blood sugar level in patients with Diabetes

If the patient develops any chills or fever, hot and swollen joints, should contact the physiotherapist or doctor immediately.

You will also be asked to wait for atleast 20 min after the injection to ensure no allergic reactions.

What is Ostenil Plus?

Ostenil Plus is a solution containing hyaluronic acid specifically developed for the treatment of Osteoarthritis. It is injected to joints to decrease pain and improve function.

Do I still need to do my exercises?

The physiotherapist may suggest you rest the area for 3 to 4 days. However, you can do normal activities and resume exercises after relative rest. In some cases, the patient is encouraged to start exercises when the joint is less painful.

How long does the injection take to work?

If the injection involves local anaesthetic, the pain should lessen within few hours.

How long will the effects of Corticosteroid injection last?

The effect depends on various factors and clinical condition. Some last long and some may not work at all. This depends on factors such as activities immediately after the injections such as playing tennis after receiving tennis elbow injection. This immediate resolution of symptoms could be due to local anaesthetic and steroids do take some time to start acting on the inflamed soft tissue or joint.

Is Ostenil Plus safe and has any side effects?

Ostenil Plus is extensively testing and has found it to be safe. The hyaluronic acid in Ostenil Plus is pure and is manufactured using a process called fermentations. It contains no animal proteins, which mans it is very unlikely to cause an allergic reaction. The addition of Mannitol (simple sugar derivative) to Ostenil Plus allows the hyaluronic acid to work for longer and more efficiently in the joint.

As with all injection, there is very small risk of infection and occasional post injection at the site for one or two days.

Ready to start your road to recovery?


Contact 818 65450161 972 0066

Clinic Location

42 Riddings Road,

Timperley, Altrincham,

WA15 6BP

Opening Times

Monday 9am - 8pm

Tuesday 9am - 8pm

Wednesday 9am - 8pm

Thursday 9am - 8pm

Friday 9am - 8pm

Saturday 9am - 3pm

Sunday Closed